The Olympus BF-MP160F EVIS EXERA Hybrid Bronchoscope is a truly versatile hybrid bronchofibervideoscope, featuring an innovative design that takes advantage of both video and fiber-optic technologies to produce a scope with a narrow insertion tube and improved imaging. With a narrow distal end diameter of just 4 mm, it is ideal for use as diagnostic tool, and its enhanced functionality is especially useful for transbronchial lung biopsy, cytology brushing under fluoroscopy, and other advanced techniques.
Warranty: 90 Days - Parts and Labor.
Olympus BF-MP160F EVIS EXERA Hybrid Bronchoscope Features
- Improved Scope Maneuverability: Its lighter design and improved ergonomics make the BF-MP160F ideal for maneuvering effectively in the peripheral bronchi. It also offers excellent instrumentation capability for transbronchial lung biopsy and cytology brushing under fluoroscopy.
- Large Diameter Channel to Accommodate Endoscopic Devices: At 2 mm in diameter, the BF-MP160F's inner channel is extremely large in proportion to its outer diameter and can accommodate a wide variety of endoscopic devices.
- Superior Imaging: With a CCD built into the control section, the BF-MP160F delivers images that are sharper, clearer, and larger than possible with a standard fiberscope.