The Joerns Hoyer Professional Quickfit Sling is a general purpose sling that can be used for a variety of patient transfer situations.
Warranty: 1 Year.
This sling comes in five sizes to fit patients of all sizes. It can be wrapped around a patient who's either sitting or lying down, and support them confidently. Customers also have the choice between padded or mesh materials. The padded makes an extra comfortable, gentle seat for the patient, and the mesh option is suitable for baths or other water immersion.
Each sling has a colored trim that is matched to a specific size. If a caregiver is unsure of which size to use, they can utilize the purple tabs to line up with the tailbone and neck area. This ensures that the patient fits comfortably in the correct size sling.
The Quickfit Sling is compatible with the following Joerns Hoyer lift units:
Recommended Weight Ranges: