The Bovie Smoke Evacuator Filter 18 Hr (#SF18) is designed for use with the previous model Smoke Shark Smoke Evacuator (#SE01). It offers up to 18 hours of performance.
Warranty: 2 Years.
The SF18 is designed as a single, disposable filter to simplify installation and removal during filter changes. It is completely enclosed to protect the healthcare personnel from potential contamination during filter changes. One Bovie SF18 Filter contains three different stages within to decontaminate the smoke plume:
1st Stage: A pre-filter whose function is to trap and remove gross particulate and casual fluid.
2nd Stage: Uses the highest grade virgin activated carbon, especially designed for Bovie Medical Corporation for the removal and absorption of odors and toxic gases produced by burning tissues. These harmful gases may constitute health hazard to healthcare professionals who are subjected to prolonged exposure. The activated carbon used in the smoke evacuator system preferentially removes toxic organic gases rather than water vapor and provides optimal odor removal.
3rd Stage: A VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) grade ULPA (Ultra Low Penetration Air) filter whose high-tech patented design captures particu(more...)